Faith Partners, Inc.
"... I will build My church ..." (Matt. 16:18)
Faith Partners, Inc. seeks to partner with the Church of Jesus Christ worldwide in carrying out the Great Commission through personal evangelism and discipleship, pastoral education and training, and practical ministry to widows and orphans. .
Who We Are
Faith Partners, Inc., is a Christian ministry that seeks to partner with local churches around the world in carrying out the Great Commission (Matt. 28:19-20) through evangelism and discipleship, pastoral training, and practical service to the most vulnerable of society.
What We Do
Equip, Serve, Love
The primary ministry of Faith Partners, Inc., is training local church leaders to better lead, serve, and love their congregations. We also seek to develop practical ministries to help meet the physical and spiritual needs of widows and orphans.
Shepherds Bible Institute, Kenya
Launched in 2013, Shepherds Bible Institute provides biblical, theological, and practical education for Kenyan pastors who do not have the opportunity to receive accessible, affordable training. Using the Bible Training Centre for Pastors and Church Leaders (BTCP, BTCL) ten-course curriculum, we graduated our first class of 19 pastors in December 2017 (pictured above). These graduates are now equipped to teach, lead, and serve their congregations more effectively using the knowledge and skills they have received.
Widows Ministry
By providing small loans, training, and resources for needy widows, we are helping them rediscover their personal dignity and self-worth by becoming productive members of society. We have sponsored sewing classes that enable women to learn a trade and either start their own businesses or obtain good jobs as professional seamstresses. In this way we help not only individual families, but communities as well by lessening the financial burden on local and federal government agencies to care for the most vulnerable in society.
Pastoral Training
Our second class at Shepherds Bible Institute, consisting of 17 men and five women, commenced in June 2018 with an anticipated graduation date of December 2020.
In order to better serve our students, we are seeking financial support to construct a dormitory that will allow them to live on-site while classes are in session. Our long-term goal is to become an accredited training institution offering degree programs in addition to the current certificate program.
Orphans Ministry
There is a large orphan population in Kenya. Through financial gifts from our supporters, we seek to care for those in need by providing food, clothing, and medical and educational services. Our long-term goal is to construct and staff an orphanage to provide for the physical, spiritual, educational, and vocational needs of those children most in need and at risk in western Kenya. Currently, we provide scholarship funds for 13 orphans to assist with school fees, food and other daily necessities, and medical expenses.
"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."
Contact Faith Partners, Inc.
Get in touch with Faith Partners, Inc. to learn more about our work and how you can get involved!
PO Box 1058, Edmond, OK 73083
(405) 201-6445